The end of the year is a good moment to say thank you. There are so many people I have spoken to or worked with this year, that I have learned from, that I was supported by, that inspired and taught me – I have to say thank you. I was very lucky to have experienced this.
And every year a couple of people inspire me in a special way, so I want to appreciate these extraordinary people in my special thank-you-list:
Dan Ariely because he explained to me the hidden forces that shape our decisions.
Albert Decker and Norman Doidge who taught me relevant results by the newer neuroscience. Peter Grimm for his warm mentorship and for designing the exsistere process. Martin Seligman and the IPPA for opening doors and sharing important resources. All issues/elements I need for improving the “creating the flow_zone” and the “Emotional Leadership-Program”. Thank you!
Jeff Jarvis because he inspired me to the “What would Google Do?”-Sessions (a fantastic entrepreneurial design workshop). We had a lot of fun and wall breaking results, so we will perform more of this session 2010 - and Jeff, I love your blog. And there is another “Teacher in Entrepreneurship”: Clay Shirky. He explained to me the rule breaking dynamics of the social web. I met him in Berlin this year. Thank you both for your inspiring thoughts.
2009 we focused on csr- and corporate initiatives for open and free learning via internet because we believe there is great momentum to collaborate and work cross-frontier.
Here I want to say thank you to two people doing great work/jobs and sharing their knowledge about new learning resources with the world. Thank you so much Jane Hart! (Janes Blog)Thank you Zaid Ali Alsagoff (zaidlearn) for all that I have learned from you. Perhaps we can work together next year! We would love it!
Innovation through engagement! Brigida and Jürgen Röser for their Social Angels Initiative. It was great working with you this year and we are glad to continue this cooperation in 2010.
And last but not least Kay Steglich for your appreciation and love, for your smart ideas and clear thoughts, for the wonderful partnership in business and in private: Thank you!
And every year a couple of people inspire me in a special way, so I want to appreciate these extraordinary people in my special thank-you-list:
Dan Ariely because he explained to me the hidden forces that shape our decisions.
Albert Decker and Norman Doidge who taught me relevant results by the newer neuroscience. Peter Grimm for his warm mentorship and for designing the exsistere process. Martin Seligman and the IPPA for opening doors and sharing important resources. All issues/elements I need for improving the “creating the flow_zone” and the “Emotional Leadership-Program”. Thank you!
Jeff Jarvis because he inspired me to the “What would Google Do?”-Sessions (a fantastic entrepreneurial design workshop). We had a lot of fun and wall breaking results, so we will perform more of this session 2010 - and Jeff, I love your blog. And there is another “Teacher in Entrepreneurship”: Clay Shirky. He explained to me the rule breaking dynamics of the social web. I met him in Berlin this year. Thank you both for your inspiring thoughts.
2009 we focused on csr- and corporate initiatives for open and free learning via internet because we believe there is great momentum to collaborate and work cross-frontier.
Here I want to say thank you to two people doing great work/jobs and sharing their knowledge about new learning resources with the world. Thank you so much Jane Hart! (Janes Blog)Thank you Zaid Ali Alsagoff (zaidlearn) for all that I have learned from you. Perhaps we can work together next year! We would love it!
Innovation through engagement! Brigida and Jürgen Röser for their Social Angels Initiative. It was great working with you this year and we are glad to continue this cooperation in 2010.
And last but not least Kay Steglich for your appreciation and love, for your smart ideas and clear thoughts, for the wonderful partnership in business and in private: Thank you!