Ein Vorteil bringt die aktuelle Krise. Sie verunsichert, stellt in Frage und schafft etwas Raum für andere Perspektiven. So können wir uns leichter auf die Veränderungen einlassen - und was lange im Verborgenen sich entwickelte, kann jetzt den Durchbruch wagen. Ich will diese Themen in den kommenden Monaten fokussieren: Ideen, die verändern! Initiativen, die durch unternehmerische Verantwortung Innovationen ermöglichen! Es gibt viele gute Geschichten und Beispiele, die inspirieren - mit Ray Anderson starte ich (
TED Conference 2009 - Longbeach Calfifornien):
Ray Anderson is the founder of Interface, the company that makes those adorable Flor carpet tiles (as well as lots of less whizzy but equally useful flooring and fabric). He was a serious carpet guy, focused on building his company and making great products. Then he read Paul Hawken's book The Ecology of Commerce. Something clicked: with his company's global reach and manufacturing footprint, he was in a position to do something very real, very important, in building a sustainable world.
Anderson focused the company's attention on sustainable decisionmaking, taking a hard look at suppliers, manufacturing processes, and the beginning-to-end life cycle of all its products. (For example: If you can't find a place to recycle a worn or damaged Flor tile, Interface invites you to send it back to them and they'll do it for you.) They call this drive Mission Zero: "our promise to eliminate any negative impact our company may have on the environment by the year 2020."
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