Dienstag, 16. September 2008

TED-Feature: Jonathan Drori - Why we don't understand as much as we think we do

Starting with four basic questions (that you may be surprised to find you can't answer), Jonathan Drori looks at the gaps in our knowledge -- and specifically, what we don't about science that we might think we do.

Sonntag, 14. September 2008

Get involved in TED Prize wishes

Zitat aus tsp-blog v. 12.9.2008

Get involved in TED Prize wishes: NEXT EINSTEIN + Once Upon a School

At the heart of every TED Prize is a wish … a wish to change the world. These inspiring projects, large and small, offer so many ways to take part, either with a donation or a powerful action. See the full list of TED Prize wish projects — and a few samples:


Neil Turok’s wish is, quite simply, a game-changing plan for science education in Africa. Check out NextEinstein.org and help him open 15 math and science academies across the continent, offering scholarships to Africa’s best and brightest.

Once Upon a School

Get involved in Dave Eggers’ wish, Once Upon a School, and you could win a pass to TED2009! Create a volunteer project for your local public school, and sign up at OnceUponASchool.org to share your story.

Freitag, 12. September 2008

stuttgart|salon am 24. Oktober 08: Who is your city? Wer ist Stuttgart und was bedeutet das für die Menschen die da leben?

curious minds® -Veranstaltung

“In Anlehnung an den Literarischen Salon vergangener Tage lebt der stuttgart|salon von freiem Gedankenaustausch und der Diskussion in kleiner Runde. Er ist ein exploratives Format auf der Suche nach Fragen und Themen, die verknüpft neue Ansätze bieten. Eine Basis für erwünschte Innovation; so diskutiert, erforscht und konstruiert der Salon – quer und hintergründig zu neuen Denkanstößen – neuartige, kreativ-verbundene und schlicht konkrete Ausgangspunkte für Weiteres.”
Katrin Steglich, Kuratorin curious minds